The Mother
to all Animals
The people of Kenya believe the Elephant is the "Mother to all Animals!" Not only because she is the largest, strongest and wisest of all the African animals, but because she is also the most loving and caring to all who roam the jungle.
An elephant is known to protect her younger and weaker herd by encircling around them when endangered. When threatened by predators, she will even protect other animals, by charging the ensuing predator. However, the elephant will never attack others, unless she or her herd is threatened first.
As she walks near, other animals can hear and sense her presence, but soon after the sight and sounds of this majestic animal have passed, what she leaves behind is the largest of all the footprints in Africa. To all those who gazed upon her footprint, they take comfort in knowing that she is never far from them. The largest lasting impression to the animals of Africa is the footprint the elephant leaves behind and is a reminder to all, that greatness once passed this way.
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